(847) 926-3225 Appointment

Heartbreaker in Highland Park & Chicago, IL

Heartbreaker Package

What areas are addressed: Cheeks, Lips, Chin

Benefits: The heartbreaker package is designed to bring the face into an aesthetically pleasing heart shape. A heart-shaped face is considered to be mathematically the most beautiful face shape. The purpose of this package is to enhance the cheekbones, lips, and chin. The combination of these three areas creates a natural contoured shadow and redefines a central point for the face. By strategically placing filler into the cheeks, chin, and lips, our experienced injectors will give you the best natural-looking results.

Price: $2195 for 4 ml

Non-invasive Facial Contouring

Highland Park Heartbreaker at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge

Transform your look with the latest non-invasive facial contouring techniques at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge. In both Chicago and Highland Park Heartbreaker packages, are specially tailored procedures that accentuates your chin, cheeks, and lips, creating a beautifully contoured, heart-shaped face that is widely regarded as the epitome of beauty. Experience the ultimate facial rejuvenation that will leave you feeling confident, radiant, and absolutely gorgeous!

$2195 for Cheek, Chin, and Lips

highland park & chicago heartbreaker model with blonde hair

Cheeks, Lips, and Chin

What is the Heartbreaker package?

A heart-shaped face is considered to be mathematically the most beautiful face shape. Enhancing the cheekbones create a natural contour shadow, combined with the lip and chin filler to refine a central point for a defined jaw. With the Heartbreaker Highland Park & Chicago aesthetic specialists combine expertly administered fillers to sculpt your cheekbones, creating natural contour shadows that beautifully frame your face. We then focus on refining your lip and chin area, adding volume and definition to the central points of your jawline. At just $2195 for 4mL, our Heartbreaker treatment offers an affordable and non-invasive way to achieve the facial contours you desire. Elevate your aesthetics and embrace the magic of the Heartbreaker at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge.

chicago & highland park heartbreaker model with curly hair

Achieve a Stunning Jawline

What are the benefits of the Heartbreaker package?

At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge in Highland Park & Chicago Heartbreaker treatments are all about crafting a stunning heart-shaped face. We utilize the artistry of fillers to enhance your cheekbones, creating natural contours that cast shadows and accentuate your beauty. Complemented by lip and chin fillers, we refine the central points of your jawline, providing you with a defined, elegant look.

Elegant Enhancement

Your Heartbreaker Appointment

During your Heartbreaker Chicago & Highland Park skilled team members at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge will take the time to understand your unique goals and aspirations. We'll discuss your desired facial contours, ensuring we tailor the Heartbreaker treatment to achieve your ideal look. Our expert practitioners will answer any questions, providing comprehensive information about the procedure, expected results, and aftercare. We believe in making you feel comfortable and confident in your decision, so we take the time needed to ensure you're fully informed before proceeding with your Heartbreaker journey.


$2195 for 4mL

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chicago & highland park heartbreaker patient before and after
highland park & chicago heartbreaker patient before and after
chicago & highland park heartbreaker patient before and after
highland park & chicago heartbreaker patient before and after
chicago & highland park heartbreaker patient before and after
highland park & chicago heartbreaker patient before and after
chicago & highland park heartbreaker patient before and after

Crafting the Heart-Shaped Beauty

Your Heartbreaker Procedure

The Heartbreaker procedure at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge is designed to sculpt your facial features for a more defined and youthful appearance. Our skilled injectors will strategically administer fillers to enhance your cheekbones, creating natural contours that bring out your inner beauty. We'll then focus on refining your lip and chin areas, adding volume and definition to achieve that coveted heart-shaped face. The procedure is non-invasive and efficient, typically taking one to two hours. With virtually no downtime, you can leave our Highland Park, IL clinic looking and feeling like a true Heartbreaker, ready to conquer the world with your newfound allure.

Your Stunning Transformation

Heartbreaker Results

The results of the Heartbreaker treatment are nothing short of stunning. You'll notice an immediate enhancement in your facial contours, with beautifully sculpted cheekbones and a refined jawline. As the filler settles and integrates, your lips and chin will also reveal a more defined and youthful appearance. The Heartbreaker procedure creates a natural-looking, heart-shaped face that enhances your overall beauty and confidence. Our clients are delighted with their rejuvenated look; you can expect to turn heads wherever you go.

No Downtime

Heartbreaker Recovery and Aftercare

One of the remarkable aspects of the Heartbreaker treatment is the minimal downtime it involves. After the procedure at our Highland Park, IL clinic, you can immediately return to your daily activities. While some clients may experience mild swelling or redness at the injection sites, these effects typically subside within a few days. We recommend avoiding strenuous exercise and extensive sun exposure during the initial days post-treatment. However, there's no need to disrupt your routine, making the Heartbreaker an ideal choice for those with busy lifestyles. As your results settle in, you'll enjoy the beauty of a heart-shaped face with minimal interruption to your daily life.

chicago & highland park heartbreaker model with arm over face

Heartbreaker Frequently Asked Questions

The Heartbreaker package at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge in Highland Park, IL, includes a comprehensive, non-invasive facial contouring treatment that enhances the chin, cheeks, and lips to create a stunning heart-shaped face. This package consists of dermal fillers strategically injected to sculpt your facial features, resulting in beautifully defined cheekbones, a refined jawline, and enhanced lips and chin.

The results of the Heartbreaker package are long-lasting, and many clients enjoy their enhanced appearance for up to 12 months. However, individual results may vary. To maintain optimal results, we recommend touch-up treatments as needed. During your consultation at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, our experienced team will provide personalized recommendations to help you maintain your heart-shaped facial contour.

Book An Appointment Today!

Don't wait to embrace the beauty and balance you deserve! At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, we're here to cater to your unique needs and help you radiate confidence like never before. Take the first step towards a more harmonious and radiant you by booking an appointment today! Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your true beauty – our expert team is ready to create a customized journey just for you. Let's make your dream look a reality, book now!

(312) 888-3162
(847) 926-3225