(847) 926-3225 Appointment

Jawline Contour Package in Highland Park & Chicago, IL

Jawline Contour Package

What areas are addressed: Jawline

Benefits: 2 ml of Volux brings your best jawline to life! By adding definition and shape with dermal fillers, this package creates your sharpest and most stunning jawline! Placing the filler in this area helps improve jowling that can be formed from collagen and elastin loss, bone loss, and weakening muscles. Due to the loss of definition in the lower face, dermal fillers can help sharpen the jawline. Our injectors can sculpt the jawline to give your lower face striking structure and definition.

Price: $1400 for 2ml

Non-Invasive Jawline Contouring

Jawline Contour Package at Aesthetic Beauty Lounge in Highland Park & Chicago

Aging or genetics can lead to the jawline losing its youthful definition. Jowls might become more prominent, and the chin may lose its firmness. In the past, invasive surgical procedures or traditional dermal fillers were the primary options for addressing these concerns. However, due to frequent movement, conventional fillers in the jaw area often didn't provide long-lasting results. At Aesthetics Beauty Lounge, we offer a superior solution with Juvéderm Volux. With the Jawline Contour Package Highland Park & Chicago patients receive this advanced filler which boasts a firmer consistency that delivers enduring, contoured improvement without surgery. It's a reliable choice for rejuvenating your jawline and achieving a more youthful appearance. Contact us to schedule your consultation.

highland park & chicago jawline contour package model with eyes closed

Discover Youthful Definition

What is the Jawline Contour Package?

A chin, jawline, and jaw angle distinguish the lower face from the neck and largely shape it. These anatomical areas help shape the face and can affect its masculinity or femininity. With a softly contoured chin, women can achieve a feminine V-shape. According to your goals, the chin shape and size can be customized from subtle to amplified.

At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge in Chicago & Highland Park Jawline Contour Package treatments are done by elongating the chin using fillers, which can reshape a round face into an oval, heart, or diamond shape. It is often said that masculine chins are “chiseled” and “strong.” If the chin is small or under-projected, the face looks round or lacks definition. A weak chin and jawline can give the appearance of an immature or babyface. Fillers can augment the chin and allow us to change its height, width, and projection. The result is a sculpted look with angled contours. Most notably on the profile, a straight and contoured jawline helps define the face. In turn, this results in smooth, defined angles that balance and enhance the face.

chicago & highland park jawline contour package model with finger on cheek

The Beauty of Precision

What are the benefits of our Jawline Contour Package?

With our Jawline Contour Package Chicago & Highland Park Patients receive jaw fillers which are a non-surgical approach that encompasses a range of procedures aimed at enhancing the chin, jaw, and lower face. These treatments can address various concerns, such as age-related sagging and excess fat, or promote facial symmetry, and strengthen the chin, resulting in a more balanced and attractive appearance. While jaw exercises may offer some benefits, they often demand significant time and effort, with results that may only partially align with one's genetic predisposition and the effects of aging. In contrast, jawline contouring procedures can provide a more efficient and tailored solution whether you desire a more feminine, masculine, or youthful appearance.

Self-Assured Rejuvenation

Your Jawline Contour Package Appointment

During your appointment, our experienced injector will engage in a thorough discussion about your objectives. They will then craft a personalized and distinctive treatment plan tailored to your desires. The ultimate aim is to provide you with a rejuvenated, well-balanced appearance that boosts your self-assurance, allowing you to stride with confidence.

Jawline Contour Package

$1795 for 3ml

Sculpting the Perfect Jawline

Your Jawline Contour Package Procedure

Jowls, sagging skin, or a less defined jawline can be prominent signs of aging. ABL’s Jawline Contour Package offers a solution to these concerns by tightening and sculpting your jawline, resulting in a more youthful and defined appearance. Patients who choose Juvéderm Volux can expect the following:

  • A sculpted and contoured chin and jawline.
  • Natural-looking results that avoid an overly pulled appearance.
  • Minimal downtime, allowing you to return to your regular activities.
  • A non-surgical, minimally invasive treatment option.

You can expect your treatment to take about 30 minutes.

Enhance Your Profile. Define Your Face.

Jawline Contour Package Results

After undergoing our Jawline Contour Package Highland Park & Chicago patients can expect to see a remarkable transformation in their jawline appearance. The treatment is designed to tighten and sculpt the chin and jawline, providing a more youthful and well-defined look. As a result, you'll enjoy a sculpted appearance that enhances your overall facial aesthetics. These results are achieved without the need for invasive surgery, offering a non-surgical solution to address signs of aging in the jaw area.

highland park & chicago jawline contour package patient before and after
highland park & chicago jawline contour package patient before and after
highland park & chicago jawline contour package patient before and after
highland park & chicago jawline contour package patient before and after
chicago & highland park jawline contour package patient before and after
chicago & highland park jawline contour package patient before and after
chicago & highland park jawline contour package patient before and after
chicago & highland park jawline contour package patient before and after
chicago & highland park jawline contour package patient before and after

No Surgical Downtime

Jawline Contour Package Recovery and Aftercare

The recovery process for the Jawline Contour Package is generally smooth and straightforward. While some mild swelling or bruising may occur initially, these side effects typically subside within a few days. Patients can resume their daily activities with virtually no downtime. To optimize your results and ensure a comfortable recovery, it's essential to follow any specific aftercare instructions provided by our skilled injectors. These may include avoiding strenuous physical activity and refraining from certain skincare products for a brief period. Additionally, it's essential to protect your skin from excessive sun exposure and apply sunscreen regularly to maintain the rejuvenated appearance of your jawline.

chicago & highland park jawline contour package model with blonde hair

Jawline Contour Package Frequently Asked Questions

As people age, it's common for them to experience a decrease in bone density in their jaw area. This phenomenon affects both men and women, with women being more susceptible due to hormonal changes associated with menopause. Consequently, the accumulation of fat under the chin can lead to a loss of definition, and some individuals may naturally lack a well-defined jawline structure.

Jawline contouring treatments are generally safe and effective for both men and women. To be a suitable candidate for jawline contouring, patients should maintain a healthy and sustainable weight, be non-smokers, and possess good skin elasticity. If you're dissatisfied with your jawline's appearance, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our licensed injectors. They can assess your specific needs and discuss how jawline contouring can enhance the shape and structure of your face.

Book An Appointment Today!

Don't wait to embrace the beauty and balance you deserve! At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, we're here to cater to your unique needs and help you radiate confidence like never before. Take the first step towards a more harmonious and radiant you by booking an appointment today! Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your true beauty – our expert team is ready to create a customized journey just for you. Let's make your dream look a reality, book now!

(312) 888-3162
(847) 926-3225