(847) 926-3225 Appointment

Cheeks On Fleek in Highland Park & Chicago, IL

Cheeks on Fleek Package

What areas are addressed: Cheeks

Benefits: Cheek filler gives a lifted look and helps achieve a youthful facial shape by adding natural contour and volume to the cheeks. As we age, the midface begins to droop due to the loss of bone, fat pads, and ligament structures. This causes the skin in the lower face to develop deep lines such as nasolabial folds, marionettes, perioral lines, and jowls. Placing these dermal fillers in this area creates a lifted and contoured cheek.

Price: $1390 for 2 ml Restylane Contour

Non-surgical Facial Definition

Cheeks On Fleek Package at Aesthetics Beauty Lounge in Highland Park & Chicago

At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge in Chicago & Highland Park Cheeks On Fleek enhances your natural beauty. Our non-surgical facial definition treatment is designed to bring out your best features, creating perfectly contoured and lifted cheeks. Say goodbye to sagging or flat cheeks and hello to a more youthful and sculpted appearance. Our team of expert injectors at Aesthetics Beauty Lounge understand the artistry of facial enhancement. With the Cheeks On Fleek Package, we use the latest techniques and premium dermal fillers to achieve a harmonious balance between your cheeks, enhancing overall facial aesthetics. Whether you desire subtle enhancement or a more dramatic transformation, we tailor our approach to your unique goals. Don't settle for anything less than perfection when it comes to your cheeks. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and discover how the Cheeks On Fleek Package can redefine your facial beauty.

highland park & chicago cheeks on fleek model with hand on face

Cheek Contour

What is the Cheeks On Fleek Package?

The cheeks are an ideal area for adding contour to the face. Contoured cheekbones frame the upper facial features. Adding subtle volume to the cheekbone creates facial definition, ensuring that the cheekbone is the most prominent part of the cheek. The results de-emphasize bottom-heavy cheeks and give a proportional V-shape. Patients seeking face contouring complain that they have a “babyface,” or lack of angularity that makes them look heavier. Injectable dermal fillers may be used to shape the face, create definition, and give your cheekbones a more prominent appearance.

highland park & chicago cheeks on fleek model with curly hair

The Cheeks On Fleek Solution

What are the benefits of Cheeks On Fleek?

With our Cheeks On Fleek Highland Park & Chicago patients receive a range of benefits. This treatment allows you to achieve beautifully sculpted cheeks without the need for invasive surgery. Some key advantages include:

Enhanced Facial Contours: Non-surgical facial definition enhances the natural contours of your cheeks, creating a more youthful and attractive appearance.

Minimally Invasive: Unlike surgical procedures, this approach involves minimal discomfort, no incisions, and virtually no downtime.

Customized Results: Our expert injectors tailor the treatment to your specific goals, ensuring results that complement your unique facial features.

Quick and Convenient: The procedure is typically quick, and many patients return to their daily activities immediately afterward.

Long-Lasting Effects: The results can last for several months, allowing you to enjoy your enhanced cheek definition for an extended period.

The Secret to Youthful Cheeks

Your Cheeks On Fleek Consultation

At Aesthetics Beauty Lounge, we understand that achieving the perfect cheek definition is a highly personalized process. During your first appointment for Cheeks On Fleek Chicago & Highland Park aesthetic specialists will take the time to listen to your goals and assess your facial features. We will discuss your desired outcomes, answer any questions you may have, and create a customized treatment plan tailored to your needs. Our commitment is to provide you with the highest level of care and to ensure you are comfortable with every step of the process. We believe in open and transparent communication, allowing you to make informed decisions about your non-surgical facial definition treatment. Don't wait to experience the benefits of perfectly defined cheeks. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and embark on your journey to enhanced facial aesthetics.

highland park & chicago cheeks on fleek before and after photos
highland park & chicago cheeks on fleek before and after photos

Enhance Your Facial Contours

Your Cheeks On Fleek Procedure

At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge in Highland Park & Chicago Cheeks On Fleek is a non-surgical facial definition treatment with exceptional results and minimal discomfort. The procedure involves the skillful injection of dermal fillers into the cheeks to enhance volume and create beautifully sculpted cheekbones. Our experienced injectors use precise techniques to ensure even and natural-looking results. A topical numbing cream may be applied during the treatment to maximize your comfort. The procedure is typically quick, and most patients can return to their daily activities immediately after. You will notice an immediate improvement in your cheek definition, and the results will continue to enhance over the following days as any initial swelling subsides.

Subtle, Long-Lasting Cheek Enhancement

Cheeks On Fleek Results

The Cheeks On Fleek Package consistently delivers outstanding results that delight our clients with their revitalized facial contours. This comprehensive treatment offers a range of benefits: The procedure significantly enhances cheek volume, sculpting a beautifully defined appearance that balances your facial features. Beyond volume, this treatment contributes to a more youthful and vibrant appearance by addressing the loss of volume that often accompanies aging. The outcome of the Cheeks On Fleek Package is remarkably natural, seamlessly enhancing your existing features without an overdone or artificial appearance. Enjoy your newfound cheek definition without the inconvenience of extended downtime. Most clients can resume their daily activities immediately after the treatment. The effects of the Cheeks On Fleek Package endure for several months, allowing you to savor your desired cheek definition for an extended period. With these exceptional benefits, our clients in Highland Park find the Cheeks On Fleek Package to be a rejuvenating and convenient solution for achieving their facial enhancement goals.

A More Defined, Radiant Face

Cheeks On Fleek Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery after the Cheeks On Fleek Package is minimal, making it a convenient choice for our Highland Park & Chicago clients. You may experience some mild swelling or bruising at the injection sites, but these effects typically resolve within a few days. Our team at Aesthetics Beauty Lounge will guide you through the recovery process and provide any necessary guidance to ensure your comfort and satisfaction with your Cheeks On Fleek results.

highland park & chicago cheeks on fleek model with black hair

Cheeks on Fleek Frequently Asked Questions

Most patients experience minimal discomfort during the Cheeks On Fleek Package procedure. The treatment involves dermal fillers, and your injector may apply a topical numbing cream to enhance your comfort. Additionally, many of the fillers contain lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to further reduce any potential discomfort. Your comfort and safety are a top priority, and our experienced team at Aesthetics Beauty Lounge, will ensure your treatment is as comfortable as possible.

The duration of results for the Cheeks On Fleeks Package can vary from person to person but typically lasts for several months. The treatment enhances cheek volume and definition, and periodic touch-up sessions can help maintain your desired look over time. Our team will provide personalized recommendations during your consultation to achieve the best possible outcome.

Book An Appointment Today!

Don't wait to embrace the beauty and balance you deserve! At Aesthetic Beauty Lounge, we're here to cater to your unique needs and help you radiate confidence like never before. Take the first step towards a more harmonious and radiant you by booking an appointment today! Don't miss out on this opportunity to unlock your true beauty – our expert team is ready to create a customized journey just for you. Let's make your dream look a reality, book now!

(312) 888-3162
(847) 926-3225